5:09 min
Video, color, sound
Dean’s She takes as its subject femininity (and feminism) both enabled and sold through digital platforms for distraction, DIY education, empowerment, and self-marketing/exploitation. Floating graphics by turns reveal and hide images and video clips: hair and wigs – and their particular place in relation to black womanhood – figure prominently, punctuating clips of natural disasters, laughing babies, and audio from anti-Trump protests. The cacophony of fragmentary quotations coaxes the viewer to synthesize meaning, although the only message, ultimately, is the injunction to produce and consume symbolic capital.
Camera: Konstantin Guz
Special effects: Danielle Dean and Sharad Patel
Included in exhibition:
KNOCK KNOCK, South London Gallery
Installation view, Knock Knock, South London Gallery
Photo: Andy Stagg
Video still, She
Video still, She